Age of the Offered Hand

The Cross-Border Partnership Between President George H.W. Bush and Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, A Documentary History

By James McGrath & Arthur Milnes
Series: Queen's Policy Studies Series
Publisher: McGill-Queen's University Press
Paperback : 9781553392323, 144 pages, February 2009
Hardcover : 9781553392330, 144 pages, February 2009


2008 is the 20th anniversary of the great free trade debate that culminated in the majority victory of Prime Minster Brian Mulroney and his Progressive Conservatives, who championed FTA, as well as the 20th anniversary of the election of George H.W. Bush. Bush's initial period as the 41st president saw significant events in Canada and the United States that led to the realization of NAFTA. Age of the Offered Hand features speeches by both leaders, correspondence between them, and transcripts of joint press conferences between 1989 and 1993, when the two men held office. This book also includes introductions by former US Secretary of Commerce Robert Mosbacher and former Canadian ambassador to the United States Derek H. Burney and features photographs from the Bush Presidential Library and the private collection of the Right Honourable Brian Mulroney.