An Evangelical Mind

Nathanael Burwash and the Methodist Tradition in Canada, 1839-1918

By Marguerite Van Die
Categories: Religious Studies
Series: McGill-Queen's Studies in the History of Religion
Publisher: McGill-Queen's University Press
Hardcover : 9780773506954, 296 pages, August 1989
Ebook (PDF) : 9780773561977, 296 pages, August 1989


By discussing the nature and practices of late nineteenth-century Methodism, Van Die focuses attention on the theological assumptions which allowed serious young Methodists to accept the critical thought of the period while retaining the basic tenets of their evangelical religion. She emphasizes that the position taken by Burwash and his students allowed religion to remain a vital component of early twentieth-century Canadian society during a time historians have generally viewed as an era of religious decline.


"Significant in my opinion ... is the author's blazing of a rather unfamiliar trail through Canadian intellectual history of the late nineteenth century ... I am greatly impressed by the scholarship displayed in this [book]." John Webster Grant, Emmanuel College, University of Toronto. "The work makes an important contribution to Canadian (and more broadly, North American) church history." R.T. Handy, Henry Sloan Coffin Professor, Union Theological Seminary, New York.