Between Two Worlds

The Report of the Northwest Territories Perinatal and Infant Mortality and Morbidity Study

Edited by D.W. Spady
Prepared for publication by F.C. Covill, C.W. Hobart, O. Schaeffer, and R.S. Tasker
Categories: Health, Social Work & Psychology, Health & Medicine
Series: Occasional Publications Series
Publisher: University of Alberta Press
Paperback : 9780919058200, 244 pages, January 1991
Ebook (PDF) : 9781772121612, 244 pages, January 1991


Inuit and Indian infants living in the N.W.T. were observed to have a high frequency of morbidity and mortality. Information collected on the socioeconomic and cultural environments of infants, medical contacts for preventative health, diagnosis, and treatment, illnesses, and reasons for death.