Big Bear

The End of Freedom

By Hugh A. Dempsey
Publisher: University of Regina Press
Paperback : 9780889771963, 227 pages, July 2006

Table of contents

1. Beginnings
2. The Cycle of Life
3. Pestilence, War and Starvation
4. Prelude to Treaty
5. Four Years to Wait
6. No More Choices
7. The Struggle Continues
8. Thunder before the Storm
9. Rebellion!
10. Attack on Fort Pitt
11. Battle of Frenchman’s Butte
12. On Trial
13. The Final Years


When the white settlers came to western Canada, Big Bear realized that the Cree Indians' way of life was threatened, and he fought to prevent his people from being reduced to poverty-stricken outcasts in their own land. Although his protests were peaceful, he was labelled a troublemaker. Years of frustration and rage exploded when his followers killed the white people of Frog Lake, a tragedy Big Bear was powerless to stop. The old chief stood trial for inciting rebellion--though all he had sought was justice and freedom.