Table of contents



From War to Peace
George Melnyk

Thinking: Canada?s Involvement in American Wars

The US or the UN: A Choice for Canada
Douglas Roche

Canadian Mass Media and the Middle East
Tareq Y Ismael and Jacqueline S. Ismael

The John Wayne Fallacy: How Logic Helps Us Lose Our Faith in Violence
Trudy Govier

The Humanitarian Dimensions of US–Iraq Relations
Collen Beaumier and Joyce Patel

The War on Iraq, The Bush Doctrine, and Canada?s Future
Jim Harding

Acting: Pace Activism and the Global Anti–War Movement

Finding My Voice for Peace
David Swann

Faithful Counterpoint to War
Bill Phipps

Pace Activism: A Canadian?s Involvement in the Iraq Conflict
Donn Lovett

Iraq, International law, and Responsible Censorship in the Twenty–first Century
Arthur Clark

Drumbeating for War? Media versus Peace and Democracy
Robert Hackett

On Being Trapped in the Paradigm of Endless War: A Peace Option for Canada
George Melnyk

Observing: Interanational Perspectives on Canada?s Role in the New Empire

Squandered Responsibility: Canada and the Disarming or of Iraq
Donn Lovett

Iraq, International Law, and Responsible Citizenship in the Twenty–first Century
Arthur Clark

Doggone Diplomacy? The Iraq War, North American Bilateralism and Beyond
Imtiaz Hussain

The Moral Superiority Complex in the United States Poses a Moral Dilemma for Canada
Satya R. Pattnayak


Canada?s Defence and Foreign Policy Independence: Is This Our Last Chance?
Mel Hurtg



Noted academics, politicians, and activists examine Canada's decision not to support the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq. Each contributor opposes the U.S. action and discusses how Canadaís non-involvement might affect the future of Canadian-American relations. Included in this collection are never before published essays from high-profile contributors such as: Scott Ritter, former UN weapons inspector; Douglas Roche, Liberal senator; and Rev. William Phipps, former moderator of the United Church of Canada.

With Contributions By:
Colleen Beaumier
Arthur Clark
Trudy Govier
Robert Hackett
Jim Harding
Mel Hurtg
Imtiaz Hussain
Tareq Y. Ismael
Jacqueline S. Ismael
Donn Lovett
George Melnyk
Joyce Patel
Satya R. Pattnayak
Bill Phipps
Scott Ritter
Douglas Roche
David Swann