Canada's National Defence: Volume 2 - Defence Organization placeholder

Canada's National Defence: Volume 2

Defence Organization

By Douglas L. Bland
Categories: Military History
Series: Queen's Policy Studies Series
Publisher: McGill-Queen's University Press
Paperback : 9780889117976, January 1999
Hardcover : 9780889117990, January 1999


Volumes in the Canada's National Defence series present an annotated collection of government statements on defence policy and internal studies and reports prepared by senior military officers, defence officials, and consultants to governments and ministers from about 1945 to 1997. They trace the history of the ideas that give Canada's defence policy and defence organizations their unique character. If there is an enduring Canadian strategy for national defence, it is expressed in these papers. Volume 2: Defence Organization is a collection of eight documents on the organization of the national defence establishment. Covering the period from 1936 to 1990, the papers include Colonel Pope's Memorandum; The McGill Reports, The Glassco Report, Hellyer's Reorganization, The Management Review Group, The Fyffe Review, The Vance Review, and The Little/Hunter Study.