Canadian Liberalism and the Politics of Border Control, 1867-1967

By Christopher G. Anderson
Categories: Political Science, Law & Legal Studies, Legal History, Canadian Political Science, Social Sciences, Sociology, Race & Ethnicity, History, Canadian History, Immigration, Emigration & Transnationalism, Law & Society
Publisher: UBC Press
Hardcover : 9780774823920, 280 pages, November 2012
Paperback : 9780774823937, 280 pages, July 2013
Ebook (PDF) : 9780774823944, 280 pages, November 2012

Table of contents

Introduction: Reconsidering the Control/Rights Nexus

1 The Study of Liberal-Democratic Control over International


2 The Liberal Internationalist Foundations of Canadian Control


3 The Expansion of Liberal Nationalism in Canada (1887-1914)

4 The Domination of Liberal Nationalism in Canada (1914-45)

5 A New Era of Human Rights (1945-52)

6 The Return of Liberal Internationalism in Canada (1952-67)

7 Contemporary Canadian and Comparative Concerns

Notes; Works Cited; Index

A comprehensive, wide-ranging exploration of Canada’s
border-control history set in the context of current debates over
immigration and refugee policy.


With restrictive immigration policies, increased interdiction, and the
detention of asylum seekers, it is clear that Canada’s approach
to border control has shifted in recent years. Yet such practices are
just the latest in a long and complex national history. Canadian
Liberalism and the Politics of Border Control sheds light on the
first century of Canada’s efforts to control its borders, framing
pivotal moments within a long-standing but often overlooked debate over
the rights of non-citizens. Anderson provides valuable insights into
contemporary liberal-democratic control by demonstrating that
today’s more restrictive approach reflects traditions deeply
embedded within liberal democracies.


Anderson’s work adds to the complexity within immigration history. There are several factors including the economy, public opinion, race, class, gender, and political discourse relating to Liberal Nationalism and Liberal Internationalism that shape immigration and refugee law in Canada. An inclusion of how other forms of migrant labour fit within the political debate would provide a more holistic perspective on border control policy in Canada. Ultimately, Anderson’s work expertly deconstructs the myth of restrictive rights in Canada being a purely contemporary phenomenon.

- Shezan Muhammedi, Western University