Class Warrior

The Selected Works of E. T. Kingsley

By Eugene Thornton Kingsley
Edited by Benjamin Isitt & Ravi Malhotra
Categories: Political Science, Social Sciences, Work & Labour Studies, Disability Studies
Publisher: Athabasca University Press
Ebook (PDF) : 9781771993708, 400 pages, October 2022
Ebook (EPUB) : 9781771993715, 400 pages, October 2022
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We hear much in these days of the right to live. At this very moment the great working class of the world do not possess that right. They only have the privilege; and this because they have no command over the means of life. The things the workers have to use in order to feed, clothe and shelter themselves, are the instruments used to dispossess that working class.
  —E. T. Kingsley

Table of contents


E. T. Kingsley: Canadian Marxism’s “Old Man”

Bryan D. Palmer


Re-evaluating the British Columbia School of Socialism: E. T. Kingsley, Disablement, and the “Impossiblist” Challenge to Industrial Capitalism in Western Canada

Part I: Selected Writings of E. T. Kingsley

On Washington State’s Primary Law

On Political Action
On Reformism and Electoral “Fusion”
On Trade Unions

On the Single Tax
On a Journey to Seattle

On the Arrest of US Labour Leaders and State Power

On the Socialist Movement and Travels across Canada

On War
On the Vancouver Free Speech Fight

On Property
On the Workers’ Awakening
On Economic Organization
On the Capitalist State

On the Causes of the First World War

On Carnage

On Slavery and War
On War Finance
On the War Effort

On the Bolshevik Revolution
On Capitalism Getting Rich Quick

On Control of the State by the Working Class
On Reconstruction
On Collaboration between Labour and Capital
On Wealth
On Gold
On Class War
On the Paris Peace Conference
On Capitalist Civilization

On the 1921 Canadian Parliamentary Election

Part II: Selected Speeches of E. T. Kingsley

On the Aims of Socialism

On Socialism and the Economy

On American Imperialism in Cuba and the Philippines

On the Labour Problem
On the Political Organization of Miners in Cumberland
On Stirring the Emotions of His Audience
On Wages, Profit, and Capital
On the 1903 British Columbia Election

On the 1905 Russian Revolution
On Workers and Rockefeller
On the Mission of the Working Class

On the Paris Commune

On Labour and Its Economies
On the Working Class Using Clubs If Necessary
On Working-Class Political Power

On the Vancouver Free Speech Fight

On the Vancouver Island Miners’ Strike

On the Komagata Maru Incident

On Conscription
On Working-Class Opposition to Conscription
On Conscription and Wiping Out Ruling-Class Laws
On the 1917 Conscription Election

On the Formation of the Federated Labor Party
On Laws
On Reconstruction
On the Armistice and Postwar Moment
On Allied Intervention in the Russian Civil War

On Lenin and Trotsky
On the Belfast General Strike, Unemployment, and the Postwar Challenge to Capitalism
On the Bolshevik Revolution
On the One Big Union
On the Class Struggle
On the Machine
On Capitalism
On the Defeat of the Winnipeg General Strike
On the Machinery of Slavery
On Civilization

On Mechanization of Production
On the Paris Commune
On the Collapse of Civilization
On the Bankruptcy of the Capitalist System

Part III: The Genesis and Evolution of Slavery

The Genesis and Evolution of Slavery: Showing How the Chattel Slaves of Pagan Times Have Been Transformed into the Capitalist Property of To-day

Part IV: On the World Situation

On the World Situation


Partial Record of E. T. Kingsley’s Public Speeches and Lectures


In October 1890, Eugene T. Kingsley’s life changed irrevocably when he was injured in a fall between two rail cars while working as a brakeman on the Northern Pacific Railway. Following the amputation of both his legs, Kingsley became radicalized and joined the Socialist Labor Party in San Francisco. His activism eventually brought him to Vancouver, B.C. where he founded the Socialist Party of Canada. A self-described “uncompromising enemy of class rule and class robbery,” Kingsley wrote prolifically on the exploitation of wage slaves by the capitalist class. Also known as a passionate orator, he went on to become one of the most prominent socialist intellectuals of his day. Class Warrior is a collection of Kingsley’s writing and speeches that underscores his tremendous impact on Canadian political discourse.