Lions or Jellyfish

Newfoundland-Ottawa Relations since 1957

Table of contents


Chapter 1. Smallwood, Diefenbaker and Term 29: Failed Intergovernmentalism

Chapter 2. Federalism for Bullies: Newfoundland, Quebec, Ottawa and Hydroelectric Development in Newfoundland and Labrador, 1960–1970

Chapter 3. Classic Federalism: The Resettlement of Fishing Communities in Newfoundland and Labrador to 1965

Chapter 4. Co-operative Federalism: Newfoundland, Ottawa and Resettlement after 1965

Chapter 5. Unraveling the Question: Federal or Provincial Jurisdiction on Offshore Oil and Gas

Chapter 6. The Nationalists: Trudeau, Peckford and the Struggle for Offshore Oil and Gas

Chapter 7. Reason, Passion and Intransigence: Federalism, Clyde Wells and Brian Mulroney

Chapter 8. The Battle for A Fair Share: Danny Williams, Equalization and Ottawa



Asked in 2010 about his pugnacious approach to federal-provincial relations, Newfoundland premier Danny Williams declared “I would rather live one more day as a lion than ten years a jellyfish.” He was only the latest in a long line of Newfoundland premiers who have fought for that province’s interests on the national stage. From Joey Smallwood and the conflict over Term 29 of the Act of Union to Williams and his much-publicized clashes with Paul Martin and Stephen Harper, Newfoundland and Labrador’s politicians have often expressed a determination to move beyond a legacy of colonialism and assert greater control over the province’s own affairs.

Lions or Jellyfish? examines the history of these federal-provincial clashes with both clarity and wit. Written by a noted expert on Newfoundland politics and intergovernmental affairs in Canada, this book studies a vital but frequently overlooked aspect of modern Canadian federalism.


‘Lions and Jellyfish, a trenchant, gripping, and revealing study… Raymond Blake’s book is one that should be read by all who wish to understand eight of the most important events in the history of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador.’

- Robert Edwards

Lions or Jellyfish is a polished investigation of the often-strained relationship between Ottawa and Newfoundland and Labrador…. Raymond Blake brings sophisticated analysis and a well- constructed narrative.’

- Canadian Historical Society Bulletin vol 42:02:2016