Predictions Under Uncertainty

Fish Assemblages and Food Webs on the Grand Banks of Newfoundland


Gomes, a biologist, draws on a study of commercial fish assemblages on the Grand Banks of Newfoundland to illustrate how uncertainty about the structure of ecological models confounds attempts to predict community dynamics over time; concluding that new adaptive management strategies may be needed to deal with this inherent uncertainty.


"Peter Sinclair and Rosemary Ommer's edited volume makes an important contribution to our understanding of the causes and consequences of change in rural and resource regions. "

- Nathan Young, BC Studies

"Power and Restructuring offers a unique picture of the challenges facing communities located in Canada’s furthest Western and Eastern coasts."

- Donna G. Curtis, Newfoundland and Labrador Studies

"The core of Power and Restructuring and its greatest strength is in the focus on agency, on the importance of people in the process of redefining their communities."

- William Parenteau, International Journal of Maritime History