Pursuing Higher Education in Canada: Economic, Social and Policy Dimensions

Economic, Social and Policy Dimensions

By Ross Finnie, Marc Frenette, and Richard E. Mueller
Series: Queen's Policy Studies Series
Publisher: McGill-Queen's University Press
Paperback : 9781553392774, 300 pages, March 2010
Hardcover : 9781553392781, 300 pages, March 2010


Higher education is a life-changing event for many individual Canadians and is vital to the economic prosperity of the nation as a whole. Pursuing Higher Education in Canada provides answers to important questions such as who attends the country's colleges and universities, and why? What happens after students begin their study, and what factors lead to the outcomes observed? Empirical evidence is foundational for informed public discussion and policy making and the papers in this volume shed new light on these important aspects of post-secondary education in Canada. They comprise rigorous - yet accessible - information that is presented and interpreted in a clear policy context. Aboriginal and immigrant access, student financial aid, gender gaps, the impacts of economic cycles, high school and university grades, home environment and family habits, and other topics related to post-secondary participation are addressed. This book is useful for policy makers, students, faculty, and anyone interested in the the most important issues concerning post-secondary education.