Race and the City

Chinese Canadian and Chinese American Political Mobilization

By Shanti Fernando
Categories: Social Sciences, Race & Ethnicity, Political Science, Sociology, Racism & Discrimination, Regional & Cultural Studies, Diaspora Studies
Publisher: UBC Press
Hardcover : 9780774813457, 192 pages, November 2006
Paperback : 9780774813464, 192 pages, July 2007
Ebook (EPUB) : 9780774840231, 192 pages, November 2011
Ebook (PDF) : 9780774855136, 192 pages, July 2007

Table of contents



1 Introduction: Racing against Time and Place

2 Systemic Racism in Canada

3 Toronto: Political Participation and Chinese Canadian Community Groups in the Multicultural City

4 Systemic Racism in the United States

5 Los Angeles: Political Mobilization and the Place of Chinese/Asian American Community Groups in the Multicultural City

6 Conclusion: Racing into the Future 

Appendix: Interview





Presents an elegant analysis of the mechanisms of political mobilization under systemic racism that draws on case studies, interviews, and a detailed understanding of the racialized legal and sociocultural histories of the United States and Canada.


In Race and the City, Shanti Fernando presents an elegant analysis of the mechanisms of political mobilization under systemic racism that draws on case studies, interviews, and a detailed understanding of the racialized legal and sociocultural histories of both the United States and Canada. She argues that while increasing diversity may be a challenge for systemic inclusiveness, it is one that must be met if Canada is to uphold its vision of a truly democratic society.