Rage and Resistance

A Theological Reflection on the Montreal Massacre

By Theresa O’Donovan
Categories: Social Sciences, Sociology, Gender & Sexuality Studies, Women’s Studies, Religious Studies
Series: Studies in Women and Religion
Publisher: CCSR, Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Paperback : 9780889205222, 160 pages, November 2006
Ebook (PDF) : 9780889205338, 160 pages, November 2006

Table of contents

Table of Contents for
Rage and Resistance: A Theological Reflection on the Montreal Massacre by Theresa O’Donovan


Introduction: Roughing It in the Bush

1. Mapping a Way Through

Gregory Baum

Theology and Sociology

Baum’s “Three Theses on Contextual Theology”

Dorothy Smith

Gregory Baum and Dorothy Smith

2. How Does It Happen to Us as It Does?

A Line of Fault

Problematic: The Organization of Power

Backdrop: A Struggle over Meaning

The Social Construction of Knowledge: The Media Presentation

An Alternative Discourse

Articulation to the Social Problem Apparatus: Official Responses

The Tenth Anniversary and Beyond

3. The Stubborn Particulars of Grace




4. What Shall We Tell Our Bright and Shining Daughters?

Recurring Elements

A Spirituality of Resistance

The Road Out

Conclusion: Look Again

Here is needing to go on.

Here is a strategic theology.

Here is a question: Whence change?

Here is back again.


Writing against Forgetting

Five Lines

What I Know

Factsheet: Violence against Women and Girls


Selected Bibliography



On December 6, 1989, a man armed with a semi-automatic rifle entered an engineering school in Montreal and murdered fourteen women before killing himself. Responses to what has come to be known as “The Montreal Massacre” varied, from the initial shock and mourning and efforts to “make sense” of the tragedy to an outpouring of writing, art, conferences, and political lobbying. Rage and Resistance: A Theological Reflection on the Montreal Massacre examines, from a theological perspective, how the massacre was “taken up” by the media, experts, politicians, and a variety of individuals and groups.

A practical exercise in Canadian contextual theology, Rage and Resistance analyzes responses to a tragic historical event by engaging with the work of theologian Gregory Baum and sociologist Dorothy Smith. Baum articulates the theological imperative to address the context in which our lives are embedded, calling for critical social analysis in order to understand, and possibly convert, social evil; Smith takes the standpoint of women as a determinate position from which society may be known.

If one of the tasks of theology is to articulate and clarify the struggles in which we are engaged—to name our reality, both the forces that oppress and the possibilities for resistance and healing—this book takes on that task by focusing on an event indelibly etched into the minds of many Canadians. It analyzes some of the artistic, memorializing, and activist responses as manifestations of a spirituality of resistance and urges ever greater resistance to violence against women.


``I was surprised by the opening to the appendix of this book: “Here is an invitation” (107). Upon reading the invitation...I realized how this reflection effectively works not to give a final summation of its topic. Her book would be as good company in a methodologically-focussed interdisciplinary studies course as in a pastoral theology seminar. Students would have no problems finding something to write about. Individual readers will likely discover renewed passion for their own work too.''

- Nathan Loewen

``O'Donovan's book expresses the qualities of her `spirituality of resistance.' It is a trenchant, detailed analysis of an event that shocked Canadians, but that in her view risks premature closure.... Her constructive theological approach would be of particular interest to anyone working on a fruitful dialogue between sociology and theology, as well as anyone seeking to expand theological categories to include violence.... O'Donovan has given us a dynamic and courageous book.''

- Alyda Faber

``O'Donovan offers valuable food for thought, particularly regarding the media's interpretation of the Massacre. Tightly written gems reflect on how television makes events real in our culture and describe what O'Donovan refers to as `the myth of a coherent society.... For any Canadian feminist, particularly those for whom the Montreal Massacre was formative, chapters 2 to 4 are must-reads.''

- Shawna Dempsey

``O'Donovan's is a rare achievement, an artful integration of theological acumen, social analytics, and political relevance. She relies on `the stubborn particulars of grace' to face the ugliness of hate and violence against women in the 1989 Montreal Massacre and to make meaning for transforming Canadian landscapes. Rage and Resistance is a powerful and elegant narrative--a `writing against forgetting' and for empowerment to change the world. It calls out, `Let's take courage together'!

- Marilyn J. Legge

``O'Donovan's work offers a refreshing perspective on a difficult topic. I highly recommend this book to anyone in the fields of gender studies and theology.''

- Barbara Adle