Recent Social Trends in Quebec, 1960-1990 placeholder

Recent Social Trends in Quebec, 1960-1990

By Simon Langlois & Baillargeon
Series: Comparative Charting of Social Change
Publisher: McGill-Queen's University Press
Hardcover : 9780773508798, 620 pages, February 1992
Ebook (PDF) : 9780773563179, 620 pages, February 1992


Readers will follow an intense period of social change in Quebec, during which there was a remarkable increase in the level of modernization. They will note a massive entry of women into the labour force and a growing service sector that now constitutes seventy percent of all economic activity. They will observe also that the Québécois have dramatically increased their television viewing and that, while they express a generally high level of satisfaction with life, the Québécois must contend with escalating crime and suicide rates.