Rewind and Search

Conversations with the Makers and Decision-Makers of CBC Television Drama


The first half of Rewind and Search looks at the makers -- the producers, directors, writers, story editors, and actors -- while the second half deals with the decision-makers, issues, policy, and ethos that affect the making of CBC television, including drama. Miller pays particular attention to the ways in which programs were influenced by evolving audience expectations, technological advances, and changes in policy, personnel, and the corporate structure of the CBC. With more cutbacks and a change of mandate looming on the horizon, the CBC is at a crossroads. Rewind and Search reveals the value of television drama as an important part of our Canadian heritage, a part that should not be ignored.


"Miller's detailed discourse on CBC English-language television drama makes a significant contribution to the understanding of the CBC in general and CBC television in particular. Rewind and Search is an invaluable resource that will become a base for future research in the field." John Jackson, Centre for Broadcasting Studies, Concordia University.