Segmented Cities?

How Urban Contexts Shape Ethnic and Nationalist Politics

Table of contents


Introduction: Ethnic and Nationalist Politics in a Global and Urban World / Kristin R. Good, Triadafilos Triadafilopoulos, and Luc Turgeon

Part 1: Globalization, Scale, and the Political Economy of Ethnically Plural “World Cities”

1 Adding Human Diversity to Urban Political Economy Analysis: The Case of Russia / Blair A. Ruble

2 Citizenship and Livelihood Struggles in Turbulent Times: The City and Ethnic Politics in Postcolonial Africa / Dickson Eyoh

3 Gentrification, Social Mix, and the Immigrant-Reception Function of Inner-City Neighbourhoods: Evidence from Canadian Globalizing Cities / Alan Walks

4 Globalization, Immigration, and Ethnoburbs / Wan Yu and Wei Li

Part 2: Ethnolinguistic Configurations and Relations in Segmented Cities

5 Cape Town’s “World-Class” Segregation / David A. McDonald

6 Segmented Cities: Ethnic Conflict, Geographical Scale, and the Politics of Explanation / David Ley

7 Immigrant Inclusion and Linguistic Struggle in the Brussels-Capital Region / Yoann Veny and Dirk Jacobs

Part 3: Managing Diversity through Local Institutions and Processes of Urban Governance

8 Jerusalem: Conflict in the City of Peace / David Cameron

9 Managing Multicultural Cities in Divided Countries / Scott A. Bollens

10 Social Cohesion and Democratic Voice: Paths to Political Incorporation / Susan E. Clarke and Keeley W. Stokes

Conclusion: Cities as Dynamic Sites of Integration and Segmentation / Luc Turgeon, Kristin R. Good, and Triadafilos Triadafilopoulos


Is globalization drawing urban populations together or tearing them apart?


Across the globe, more people are living in cities, be it through the movement of domestic populations from the hinterlands or via international migration. This book offers answers to one of the most pressing questions of our day: Is globalization drawing urban populations together or tearing them apart? Contributors analyze the conditions under which cities from a broad range of geographical regions serve as sites of ethnic and national discord or amity. Particular attention is paid to the influence of economic globalization, cities’ entrenched ethno-linguistic configurations, and urban political institutions.