Sins of the Flesh

A History of Ethical Vegetarian Thought

By Rod Preece
Categories: Environmental & Nature Studies, History, Animal Studies, Philosophy
Publisher: UBC Press
Hardcover : 9780774815093, 416 pages, October 2008
Paperback : 9780774815109, 416 pages, July 2009
Ebook (PDF) : 9780774815116, 416 pages, July 2009

Table of contents

Introduction: Bill of Fare to the Feast: The Whats and Whys of

1: The Human in Prehistory

2: Eastern Religions and Practice

3: Pythagoreanism

4: Greek Philosophy and Roman Imperium

5: Judaism and The Earlier Christian Heritage

6: Bogomils, Cathars, and the Later Medieval Mind

7: The Humanism of the Renaissance

8: The Cartesians and their Adversaries in the Seventeenth and
Eighteenth Centuries

9: Preaching without Practising: From Mandeville and Pope to Goldsmith
and Wagner

10: Militant Advocates: From Oswald and Ritson to Shelley, Phillips,
and Gompertz

11: The Victorians, the Edwardians, and the Founding of the Vegetarian

12: Vegetarians and Vegans in the Twentieth Century

13: Vegetarianism in North America

Postscript: Prospects

Sins of the Flesh is a fascinating, ground-breaking history of
ethical vegetarianism that will appeal to all readers concerned with
human-animal relations and the foundations of animal rights.


Unlike previous books on the history of vegetarianism, Sins of the
Flesh examines the history of vegetarianism in its ethical
dimensions, from the origins of humanity through to the present. Full
ethical consideration for animals resulting in the eschewing of flesh
arose after the Aristotelian period in Greece and recurred in Ancient
Rome, but then mostly disappeared for centuries. It was not until the
turn of the nineteenth century that vegetarian thought was revived and
enjoyed some success; it subsequently went into another period of
decline that lasted through much of the twentieth century. The
authority-questioning cultural revolution of the 1960s brought a fresh
resurgence of vegetarian ethics that continues to the present day.