The Cypress Hills - An Island by Itself placeholder

The Cypress Hills

An Island by Itself

Table of contents


1. The Cypress Hills and their People

The Hills

The People

2. The Buffalo and the Fur Trade

The Buffalo

The HBC and the Fur Trade to 1870

Indian Women in the Fur Trade

3. Whoop-Up Country

The American Traders

The Trading Cycle

4. The Cypress Hills Massacre

The Personalities

5. Fort Walsh and the NWMP

The Fort Established

The Life of the Mounties

6. Treaties and Reservations

The Prairies in Transition

The Downstream People and Treaty 4

Sitting Bull and the Dakota in Canada

7. The Nakoda

The Nakoda and the Hills

The Nakoda and Treaty 4

The Cypress Hills Reserve 1879-82

The Relocation of the Nakoda from the Cypress Hills

The Indian Head Reserve

8. The Modern Age

Reserve Life

The Nekaneet Band

Aboriginal Women on the Reserve

The Ranching Era

Fort Walsh National Historic Site





With an abundance of buffalo, other game, and lodge pole pine, the hills straddling the Alberta/Saskatchewan/United States border were a natural gathering point for First Nations and Métis peoples. Their presence drew the Hudson Bay Company and American free traders, whiskey traders, and wolfers, resulting in a clash of cultures culminating in the 1873 Cypress Hills massacre, an armed ambush of a Nakoda camp by a group of drunken wolfers and whiskey traders. This event brought the Northwest Mounted Police to maintain peace in the west, and led to the creation of Fort Walsh, today a national historic site. Hildebrandt and Hubner uncover the history, stories, and people to establish a historical narrative of this significant region.