The Ivory Thought

Essays on Al Purdy

Edited by Gerald Lynch, Shoshannah Ganz, and Josephene Kealey
Categories: Literature & Language Studies, Literary Criticism
Series: Reappraisals: Canadian Writers
Publisher: Les Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa/University of Ottawa Press
Paperback : 9780776606651, 282 pages, February 2008
Ebook (PDF) : 9780776617572, 282 pages, February 2008
Ebook (EPUB) : 9780776618319, 282 pages, February 2008


If one poet can be said to be the Canadian poet, that poet is Al Purdy (1918–2000).
Numerous eminent scholars and writers have attested to this pre-eminent status. George Bowering described him as “the world’s most Canadian poet” (1970), while Sam Solecki titled his book-length study of Purdy The Last Canadian Poet (1999). In The Ivory Thought: Essays on Al Purdy, a group of seventeen scholars, critics, writers, and educators appraise and reappraise Purdy’s contribution to English literature. They explore Purdy’s continuing significance to contemporary writers; the life he dedicated to literature and the persona he crafted; the influences acting on his development as a poet; the ongoing scholarly projects of editing and publishing his writing; particular poems and individual books of poetry, fiction, and non-fiction; and the larger themes in his work, such as the Canadian North and the predominant importance of place. In addition, two contemporary poets pay tribute with original poems.
Published in English.