To the Charlottes - George Dawson's 1878 Survey of the Queen Charlotte Islands placeholder

To the Charlottes

George Dawson's 1878 Survey of the Queen Charlotte Islands

Edited by Douglas Cole & Bradley Lockner
Categories: History, Canadian History, Literature & Language Studies, Auto/biography & Memoir, Indigenous Studies
Series: The Pioneers of British Columbia
Publisher: UBC Press
Ebook (EPUB) : 9780774842808, 222 pages, November 2011
Ebook (PDF) : 9780774853712, 222 pages, October 2007

Table of contents




George Dawson's 1878 Journal On the Haida Indians of the Queen
Charlotte Islands



A history of the 1878 exploration of Haida Gwaii by remarkable
geologist and explorer George Dawson, this volume includes his
observations of Haida Gwaii's aboriginal people, his complete
report and numerous photographs.


Haida-Gwaii (the Queen Charlotte Islands) were still relatively
untouched by European exploration when, in the summer of 1878, a young
geologist name George Dawson arrived there on behalf of the Geological
Survey of Canada. Separated from the mainland by many kilometres of
water, the islands had retained a distinct ecological and cultural
envionment that reflected millennia of isolation. They were, at the
time that Dawson visited them, home to many rare species of plants and
animals as well as to the unique culture of the Haida people.

One of the most remarkable scientists and explorers of his time,
Dawson drew maps, collected fossil, plant and insect specimens, and
investigated the ethnology of the Native people. His interest in Native
culture is readily apparent in his personal reports and private
journals, and he collected artifacts and took photographs which are
well known for their early depictions of Haida villages and
architecture. Yet what is most amazing is that he accomplished all this
despite being physically challenged by the debilitating effects of a
childhood illness.

This edition of Dawson's 1878 exploration of the Queen Charlotte
Islands includes a reprint of Dawson's report, On the Haida
Indians of the Queen Charlotte Islands, as well as numerous
photographs taken by Dawson during his explorations. The text of the
1878 journal is meticulously annotated by editors Cole and Lockner, who
also provide an informative introduction which includes biographical,
scientific, and ethnological details.


It is a pleasure indeed to welcome this splendidly edited volume on George Dawson's 1878 survey of the Queen Charlotte Islands. Professors Cole and Lockner's short but highly informative introduction is complemented by almost forty pages of notes--bibliographical, biographical, and historical.  Students, scholars, and the general public are in their debt for these fine contributions to the history of British Columbia.

- James Scott

Remarkable photographs of villages, poles, and canoes allow us to revert to 1878, if only to imagine what life was like in that time and place. Dawson's journal is meticulously edited and contains useful signposts for future scholars

- Barry Gough