Victory Harvest

Diary of a Canadian in the Women's Land Army, 1940-1944

By Marion Kelsey
Categories: Military History, Women’s Studies
Publisher: McGill-Queen's University Press
Hardcover : 9780773516632, 248 pages, September 1997
Paperback : 9780773531567, 248 pages, August 2006
Ebook (PDF) : 9780773566835, 248 pages, September 1997


Kelsey's observations range from descriptions of the Battle of Britain from the ground, bombing raids on civilian populations, and a meeting with a possible German spy, to more personal accounts of the difficulties of obtaining a bath. She and her husband were reunited on his quarterly leaves and the journal records their travels through much of England, Ireland and Scotland amid air raids, bombings, and machine-gun fire, providing a unique travelogue of Britain in the 1940s. Through Kelsey's depiction of life the Women's Land Army the reader discovers -- as Kelsey came to realize -- that agricultural work was vital to the overall war effort in Britain.