Women, Film, and Law

Cinematic Representations of Female Incarceration

By Suzanne Bouclin
Categories: Film Studies, Criminology, Women’s Studies, Law & Society
Series: Law and Society
Publisher: UBC Press
Hardcover : 9780774865869, 224 pages, March 2021
Paperback : 9780774865876, 224 pages, November 2021
Ebook (PDF) : 9780774865883, 224 pages, March 2021
Ebook (EPUB) : 9780774865890, 224 pages, March 2021

Table of contents


1 A Genre of One’s Own

2 Reforming Prisons, Transforming Women: Ann Vickers

3 The Unattainability of Reform: Caged!

4 Recuperating Exploitation: Caged Heat

5 Representing Incarcerated Black Women: Stranger Inside and Civil Brand

6 Representation and Recalibrating the WIP Genre: Orange Is the New Black


Notes; Selected Filmography; Index

Women, Film, and Law questions the criminalization of women through an engaging exploration of the women-in-prison film genre.


Entertainment and profit constitute the driving forces behind most popular representations of incarcerated women. Some cinematic representations, however, and the women-in-prison genre especially, can generate complex legal meanings and leave viewers feeling unsettled about women’s incarceration. Focusing on five exemplary films and one television series, from 1933 to the present, Women, Film, and Law asks how fictional representations explore, shape, and refine beliefs about women’s incarceration. Suzanne Bouclin convincingly argues that popular depictions of women’s prisons can illuminate multiple forms of marginalization and oppression experienced by women in conflict with the law.


An excellent analysis of the social significance of the women-in-prison genre.

- Mark Bernhardt