Science, Technology & Society

Showing 41-50 of 92 titles.
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Lines in the Ice

The 2014 discovery of HMS Erebus - a ship lost during Sir John Franklin’s 1845 expedition to find the Northwest Passage - reignited popular, economic, and political interest in the Arctic’s exploration, ...

Emergence and Innovation in Digital Learning

Edited by George Veletsianos

Educational systems worldwide are facing an enormous shift as a
result of sociocultural, political, economic, and technological
changes. The technologies and practices that have developed over the
last ...

Learning in Virtual Worlds

Three-dimensional (3D) immersive virtual worlds have been touted as
being capable of facilitating highly interactive, engaging, multimodal
learning experiences. Much of the evidence gathered to support ...

How Canadians Communicate VI

Food nourishes the body, but our relationship with food extends far
beyond our need for survival. Food choices not only express our
personal tastes but also communicate a range of beliefs, values,
affiliations ...

The Digital Nexus

The totalizing scope of the combined effects of computerization and the worldwide network are the subject of the essays in The Digital Nexus, a volume that responds to McLuhan’s request for a “special ...

Our Chemical Selves

Edited by Dayna Nadine Scott

Everyday exposures to common chemicals found in homes, schools, and workplaces have devastating long-term and inter-generational consequences on human health. At the same time, the risks associated with ...


This book argues that the unique environments of the North have been born of the relationship between humans and nature. Approaching the topic through the lens of environmental history, the contributors ...

Living Dead in the Pacific

Colonized since the 1600s, Taiwan is largely a nation of settlers, yet within its population of twenty-three million are 500,000 Aboriginal people. In their quest to learn about disease and evolution, ...

No Accident

It is possible to eliminate death and serious injury from Canada’s roads. In other jurisdictions, the European Union, centres in the United States, and at least one automotive company aim to achieve ...

Resistance Is Fertile

For decades, government, industry, and the mainstream media have extolled the virtues of biotechnology while downplaying its negative side effects. Focusing on agriculture, Resistance Is Fertile challenges ...