Robert Bergen

Dr. Bob Bergen is an adjunct assistant professor in the University of Calgary's Centre for Military and Strategic Studies and a Fellow of the Canadian Defence & Foreign Affairs Institute. Bob is a former journalist who began specializing in covering the Canadian Forces in the mid-1970s. His coverage of the Forces included assignments on United Nations and North Atlantic Treaty Organization operations in the Middle East (1977), Cyprus (1978), Cold War Europe (1978), and in Croatia and Bosnia (1994). He began his Ph.D. studies on a part-time basis in May 1999 and left the Calgary Herald in July 2000 after twenty years to pursue those studies full-time. In December 2007, Dr. Bergen participated in a fact- finding trip to North Atlantic Treaty Organization Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium; NATO headquarters in Kabul, and ISAF operations in Kandahar, Afghanistan, was jointly organized by NATO and the Department of National Defence for Security and Defence Forum academics.