Danger, Death, and Disaster in the Crowsnest Pass Mines 1902-1928

By Karen Buckley
Categories: History, Geography, Geography
Publisher: University of Calgary Press
Paperback : 9781552381328, 215 pages, November 2004
Ebook (PDF) : 9781552383230, 215 pages, November 2004

Table of contents


List of Photographs

1: Danger
2: Death
3: Disaster

Appendix A: Tables and Charts
Appendix B: Mining Definitions


The Crowsnest Pass is famous for the tragic rock slide at Frank in 1903, but almost as famous are the many coal-mining tragedies that afflicted the region in the early twentieth century. With the discovery of a rich coal deposit in the region, the area underwent an economic boom and a spike in population that is still evidenced today. Unfortunately, with this type of mining, in rugged and often dangerous conditions comes the threat of disaster and occasionally death. This book examines carefully the various calamities that have afflicted the area and considers the impact on the inhabitants and victims of these numerous tragedies. Using original source material such as grave markers, folk songs, and oral histories, the author portrays vividly the psychological and sociological features of both the individual and collective responses to death and danger, giving the reader a unique picture of mining communities that is as true today as it was a century ago.



This book provides illuminating detail . . . it is an important chronicle of the towns and the region.

—Jeremy Mouat, Scientia Canadiensis


The work of an assiduous researcher who ferrets out interesting snippets of life and death in the Pass.

—John Douglas Belshaw, The Canadian Historical Review


Karen Buckley makes us imagine living with the fear of death on the job that faced coal-miners every day . . . provides many valuable insights.

—Craig Heron, University of Toronto Quarterly